plant with bad character we would say ... As the mythology believed capable, when they are uprooted, to launch a cry that leads to death or madness to the unfortunate collector ...
It gives restful sleep, but also leads to madness, he kills ruthlessly, but it is also a remedy against the poison of snakes, is a powerful anesthetic that allows the most delicate surgical operations, but also causes terrible hallucinations. It 'definitely a real balance suspended between uncertainty and ambiguity. Plant
Witches par excellence: it is clearly related to death, was extracted from the ground with all the caution and through special rites. The botanical texts seem to give the magical mandrake mainly influence by Mercury. Other sources speak instead of Tuesday as a day in favor of the collection, which would indicate a connection rather than Mars, which was not tested. The shape of the root is similar to the human body full of genitals has meant that the mandrake was considered aphrodisiac. This plant is said to cure epilepsy, "mal di luna", it would drive out demons ... is also known as the hand of glory, devil's root, Herb of Circe ... So after this little map there are a number of traditions and rumor, more or less justified, that is well worth Scorpio ...
It gives restful sleep, but also leads to madness, he kills ruthlessly, but it is also a remedy against the poison of snakes, is a powerful anesthetic that allows the most delicate surgical operations, but also causes terrible hallucinations. It 'definitely a real balance suspended between uncertainty and ambiguity. Plant
Witches par excellence: it is clearly related to death, was extracted from the ground with all the caution and through special rites. The botanical texts seem to give the magical mandrake mainly influence by Mercury. Other sources speak instead of Tuesday as a day in favor of the collection, which would indicate a connection rather than Mars, which was not tested. The shape of the root is similar to the human body full of genitals has meant that the mandrake was considered aphrodisiac. This plant is said to cure epilepsy, "mal di luna", it would drive out demons ... is also known as the hand of glory, devil's root, Herb of Circe ... So after this little map there are a number of traditions and rumor, more or less justified, that is well worth Scorpio ...
Mandragola (in sevedese Alruna, Alraune in German) is the common name of several plants of the genus Mandragora belonging to the family Solanaceae.
Their roots are characterized by a peculiar bifurcation reminiscent of the human figure (masculine and feminine), together with the anesthetic properties of the plant, this has probably contributed to the supernatural powers attributed to the mandrake in many folk traditions: according to these beliefs is the mandrake white male, the black one is female.
Their roots are characterized by a peculiar bifurcation reminiscent of the human figure (masculine and feminine), together with the anesthetic properties of the plant, this has probably contributed to the supernatural powers attributed to the mandrake in many folk traditions: according to these beliefs is the mandrake white male, the black one is female.
He Mediterranean origin and grows mainly in the southern regions of our country, it prefers sunny places, is sporadic at the edge of the fields, clearings in the woods, in uncultivated places.
-shaped grassy acaule (without frame), is a perennial plant with leaves arranged in a basal rosette of ovate-oblong wrinkled and hairless that sprout just before flowering;
flowers are small and purple and grow in the center of the rosette , flowering is from June to August and fruits consist of a red or yellow berry ovoid, up to three centimeters long. It 's a poisonous plant and therapeutic uses the root, harvested in autumn.
These plants lose the aerial part during the coldest months of the year. With the arrival of spring, they begin to produce stems and leaves quickly. Mandragora officinarum is grown outdoors, in a light (sunlight) and can easily withstand very harsh minimum temperatures, many degrees below zero.
Perennial plants are subject to a period of several months of dormancy. During these months do not need to water them. In the other months
water only sporadically, about once every 1-2 weeks with 2-3 glasses of water, leaving the soil dry for a few days before watering again, avoid excesses, but try to wet the soil deeply.
is recommended in the spring to add to the irrigating water, a specific fertilizer for flowering plants, every 20-25 days. We can also mix the soil near the plants a granular slow release fertilizer, an action which lasts about 3-4 months.
La Mandragora officinarum is small in size and can reach 5 cm in height in the spring assumes a yellow-green color. It 'a plant for garden roccioso.Nel time of year when the loss of the leaves begins a preventive treatment with broad-spectrum insecticide and a systemic fungicide, to prevent the attack by aphids and the development of fungal diseases, often favored by cool, damp climate. If you want you can grow these plants in pots. The indications are for a plant of medium size. We suggest a substratum characterized by an excellent drainage.
-shaped grassy acaule (without frame), is a perennial plant with leaves arranged in a basal rosette of ovate-oblong wrinkled and hairless that sprout just before flowering;
flowers are small and purple and grow in the center of the rosette , flowering is from June to August and fruits consist of a red or yellow berry ovoid, up to three centimeters long. It 's a poisonous plant and therapeutic uses the root, harvested in autumn.
These plants lose the aerial part during the coldest months of the year. With the arrival of spring, they begin to produce stems and leaves quickly. Mandragora officinarum is grown outdoors, in a light (sunlight) and can easily withstand very harsh minimum temperatures, many degrees below zero.
Perennial plants are subject to a period of several months of dormancy. During these months do not need to water them. In the other months
water only sporadically, about once every 1-2 weeks with 2-3 glasses of water, leaving the soil dry for a few days before watering again, avoid excesses, but try to wet the soil deeply.
is recommended in the spring to add to the irrigating water, a specific fertilizer for flowering plants, every 20-25 days. We can also mix the soil near the plants a granular slow release fertilizer, an action which lasts about 3-4 months.
La Mandragora officinarum is small in size and can reach 5 cm in height in the spring assumes a yellow-green color. It 'a plant for garden roccioso.Nel time of year when the loss of the leaves begins a preventive treatment with broad-spectrum insecticide and a systemic fungicide, to prevent the attack by aphids and the development of fungal diseases, often favored by cool, damp climate. If you want you can grow these plants in pots. The indications are for a plant of medium size. We suggest a substratum characterized by an excellent drainage.
Mandrake was one of the main ingredients for most of the mythological and legendary potions.
First name, probably derived from Persian (mehregiah), has been allotted by the greek physician Hippocrates.
Secondly, were credited powerful aphrodisiac and was even used to treat infertility.
is portrayed in some texts of alchemy in the likeness of a man or a child: this arises from the legend that its plant is able to kill a man. It was considered a creature in the middle of vegetable and animal kingdoms, known as the least vegetable lamb of Tartary.
In 1615, in some treatises on lycanthropy, including that of Njanaud, appeared to use the information of a magic ointment mandrake which allowed the transformation into animals.
According to popular belief, his plants were born from the semen or urine in the hanging point death.
Mandrake can also be traced to some Voodoo traditions in which it was used as a surrogate of the most famous and best known wax dolls.
In some books they say that Mandrake is "mood of cold and moderately dry, and it 'also astrally affected by Saturn or the moon and the zodiac sign of Capricorn." This means that before trying to pick a Mandragora and must overcome a number of uncertainties: better day, time, similarities and distances ("We must avoid having the wind on your face, otherwise the absorption - risky - the scent of the plant ...") took these precautions must draw three circles around the plant, being so as to produce a magical protection that leaves enclosed within the circle, the diabolical power of mandrake.
In this specific case, in fact, protects those who are outside the circle, rather than those inside. The circles are drawn with the sword of iron, where iron embodies the dark aspects of the plant. Then he has to be stirred up the earth around the root.
In this specific case, in fact, protects those who are outside the circle, rather than those inside. The circles are drawn with the sword of iron, where iron embodies the dark aspects of the plant. Then he has to be stirred up the earth around the root.
Some say it is good to be two to do this magic: the rhizotomy, the one that will dig the rhizome, and a helper who can simultaneously sing erotic verse (back as the fame of the mandrake as a powerful herb in sexual matters). More recently it has been suggested that opportunities that the excavation was carried out with a golden spoon, and when the work of excavation has been conducted almost successful, will agree to light a candle golden, to burn incense ages together in a mastic, frankincense and verbena. A virgin, according to some, may at this point, remove the plant - the land around the meantime will have been softened with female urine - which will draw close to the breast to thank the grace afforded to it. Of course, there are also specific requirements for clothing. The magician, dressed in a black robe with white lunar elements, bare feet, bare hands, goes with wearing a tiara of lead, with bracelets of the same metal, all adorned with stones, Saturnine, the ring will also figure in most of the snake biting its tail. Carry a knife: this will be the handle of cypress - not for nothing that the cypress tree is the funeral that we know well - and tempered steel blade in consecrated oil. It is not enough. It should be known the best kind of prayer to raise to the sky, the formula to be used, fumigation to be done ... worth your life!
Greed and the desire to dominate the same way will be lethal lose mandrake will soon be teetering between madness and suicide.
If you want to avoid digging into the very risky root, a tried and tested method is to use as a dog: dogs, it is said, have connections with Hecate, the goddess from the head of a cat. Hecate And that sends men distressing dreams, who is patron of witches, which gives rise to insanity. Would appreciate the sacrifice of the dog sent to her from the tree that gives rise to insanity. Softened the earth around the root which will be linked to a dog, the magician will put in front of a hungry animal food bowl. The dog then slancerà toward food, as a result of uprooting the precious root, carrying with it in his brief momentum: short, because they rise up in the air the bloodcurdling scream of the mandrake: the dog that will not succumb. Another victim is in addition to those already sacrificed to Hecate. In general, if the person who pulled the root is a magician, we will proceed putting in place of the root taken from a coin or a piece of gold. In the case of the dog, it is time to put in place the rhizome of the animal itself. More rarely close on the ground recovering then placed the leaves that are no longer root, as if to say that everything is as before, that nothing is actually accaduto.IL EVERYTHING TO COLLECT A MAP OF MANDRAKE .. but not all! Finally we arrive at the final moment of the tear with the consequent conquest of the plant will then be necessary to purify it and make it as close as possible to man. It'll be dressed and petted, cared for. The meals will be offered several times a day. The you will find a worthy place. If you are followed these precepts, the plant will procure happiness, wealth, health. It will help to find the gold hidden forces will drive negative.Sarà a panacea for all ills. You can also open the way to its possessor of the future ...
Within the magical Mandrake is designed to increase psychic powers, for example through ritual baths in which to add, bath water, a liter of boiled water with mandrake root in union to 50 grams of leaves Willow, 7 pinches of oregano and 7 tablespoons of honey.
Always the root can be used to create oils suitable for seduction, along with 7 cloves and 7 red roses or to anoint the candles used in ritual.
The Mandragora is used to construct talismans for active defense, bags for protection, to attract the money, the seduction, impotence or to ensure the loyalty of his men.
Incense created with the root of this plant in conjunction with a part of aconite, one of black hellebore, a belladonna, henbane, and one part oil of bitter almonds is used to get in touch with the Goddess Hecate, or for defense operations, together with some grains of incense, sage, pepper and 13 drops of essential oil of hypericum, and passionate love, together forever a part of grain incense, rose petals and a 13 drops of essential oil of verbena
As we said was soothing, sedative and is useful in treating skin diseases, hemorrhoids and is used as antiseptic.
And 'one of the most ancient and powerful sedatives that man has ever discovered.
His fumigation lose any harmful effect. This plant contains powerful alkaloids that can increase the heart rate, effects of mental and psychomotor excitation, hallucinations, convulsive events of rice and were delusional.
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