Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Roller Coaster Tycoon 3 Platinum Cd

The black Storace (Liquidambar orientalis)

"Known since antiquity, the Black Storace is the prized and famous aromatic balm of Asia Minor, it is obtained from Liquidambar Orientalis (Hamamelidacee), a tall plant growing in the impenetrable forests of the Anatolian Marmaris. Even today its production is carried out in accordance with the original: hard blow, the plant produces a dense few weeks in pathological serum (the storax resin, a popular raw material for perfumery). This is then removed in order to mix with the bark of the trunk (pre-shredded) all the remains buried for several months. The "lucky" maceration that is not derived from source the fragrant black Storace. Since time immemorial, we use this balm together to incense is burned, is used as it stands as an effective deodorant: inebriate, however the environment with its eastern and unmistakable sweet scent-amber "(from Talia : STORACE BLACK: THE RARE AND RARE aromatic balms Asia Minor). The

Storace is useful as a diuretic, expectorant, and for its antibacterial properties can also be used to treat a sore throat. Its intense perfume is not suitable for pregnant or lactating, should be used with caution with children.
The body cream scented with black Storace, spread generously before going to sleep, to maximize the capacity honor ... so if you have confused ideas and dreams you want to give you high-speed re-order the thousand confused ideas you had during the day ... check it out :-)


Thursday, January 15, 2009

Pokemon Indigo How To Get Heatran


... A simple plan, game, anyone of you have undoubtedly seen whether they live in a busy city, you are assured that there is in a remote village ..
And 'one of the plants that belong to my childhood. Grandma taught me about herbs you use the most at home .. and this was one of those easily identify and bring on its own, without too many worries ... I loved to chew his leg while in the hot sun of the summer afternoon I dedicated to the collection. It was the sour taste that that attracted me down ...

His name is Sorrel (Rumex acetosa), but is well defined, sharp grass, Soleggiola, Ossalida.
It 's a perennial herb with horizontal rhizome slender, erect stems, grooved, red bottom, just below the inflorescence foliose, branching all'infiorescenza. Height 40-110 cm. Basal leaves petiolate, petiole 1.5-fold the foil is wide 2-3x5-7 cm, or 2-3 times longer than wide, narrow, based astatine, the upper cauline sessile, lobes divergent, acute or rounded, not straight down but amplessicauli.L 'inflorescence is compact, made of small green flowers perianth consists of 6 items in the 4 external round-oval, with growths hard, round or tetragonal. The sepals are rolled up inside at the time of fruiting. The achenes are futti blacks and bright, protected by persistent tepals taking red rust. Anthesis: May to August (cold-temperate and cold regions of Europe, Asia and North America).
In Italy it is common throughout the area and is located in the fertile fields and fertilized along ditches and in pastures, it prefers rich loamy soil. The closely related species Rumex
THYRSIFLORUS Fingerh is reported only in some areas of Piedmont, and is distinguished by its leaves long and narrow and more branched inflorescence.
The etymology of its name derives from the Latin "Rumex" = "rod, spear," in reference to the pointed shape of the leaves of many species. Has no consistency to the allegedly derived from "Romanian" refers to the practice that the Latins had to chew the leaves of the plant. The specific name refers to the sour taste of the leaves.

Properties and uses: Erba acid, antiscorbutic, astringent, refreshing, purifying, diuretic, laxative, febrifuge. The plant contains vitamin C, potassium oxalate and oxalic acid, iron. Most species of Rumex, contains oxalate similar to those of spinach and rhubarb, these substances are poisonous in excess. Qundo is found in fresh forage, in excess, can cause digestive distrubi, especially horses and sheep. In the past, children who lived in the countryside, detach the tops of Romice to chew and taste the juice slightly sour (and I was one of those kids .. but the past is not so .. PAST!).
use, thanks to the purifying and draining, in the treatment of skin diseases such as acne, oily skin and insect bites, in case of excessive perspiration and bad breath.
The fresh leaves, crushed and applied on the face, have an astringent effect on the pores.
In the kitchen, and fresh young leaves can be used to flavor salads, sauces, soups, soft cheeses, omelettes.
pureed, can be used in sauces, to accompany poultry and fish.
The juice can be effectively used to remove rust, mildew stains and ink on linen, wool, wicker and silver.
Great for making omelets.

INFUSED Purifier: infusion of 30 g of roots per 1 liter of water.

Decoction FOR acne, oily skin and insect bites: 15 g of fresh leaves to 1 liter of water, and drank two cups a day more without food. With the leaves ailing useful to prepare a poultice to treat abscesses.

Footbath: to promote circulation and alleviate congestion with 50 g per 2 l of water and then mixed with the water of the footbath.

Forbidden to those suffering from stones, arthritis, gout, rheumatism, hyperacidity. In the case of high ingestion of raw leaves have been reported poisonings in children with renal lesions. Incompatible with mineral water and containers made of copper.

Time Collection and Preservation
the plant is harvested at the beginning of flowering in May-June recurrence, with a knife or scissors, a few centimeters higher than the collected colletto.I drums come together in bunches and are placed to dry in a ventilated area. When the plant is dry, cut into pieces of 5-10 cm and kept in paper bags.
In the past this plant was used primarily against scurvy, but hate the power, richer and more balanced, has eliminated the disease by limiting the use of vinegar to its diuretic and slightly laxative.
Vinegar is particularly rich oxalate for which it should be used sparingly especially for those suffering from gastric and intestinal disorders and is recommended for people with liver and persons suffering from liver and kidney stones.

Were Are The Gay Cruiesing Parks In Sf

Calendula (Calendula officinalis)

Few plants are known as continuous use from ancient times to today. This medicinal plant grows wild in much of Italy, from sea to submontane zone. There are different varieties that have been selected for ornamental purposes, but our little plan is especially popular for anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and healing properties. E 'used for inflammation of the skin in general as well as eczema and dermatitis, frostbite and burns and is perfect to give relief from insect bites ... annoying

dialect names: E 'also known as "Fiorrancio", or flower each month, but there are various names by which it is identified in our country: fiorrancio, calandria, marigold, marigold, carnation of Spain, in French "souci" (voice, probably derived from the medieval Latin "solsequium" that follows the sun ). In German "Ringelblume" is English for "yerba centella" as the British call "marigold" (the reason stated in paragraph beliefs and anecdotes).

CURIOSITY '- BELIEFS - ANECDOTES: According to the Greeks, its seeds shaped like a crescent representing the tears of Aphrodite for the loss of her Adonis.
This plant can be seen as the barometer of our countrymen: their heads in the early morning bode well for if the 7 already opened its flowers is a sign that there will be good weather .. and if the bud is closed, it is certain that it will rain during the day .. Calendula
The name may derive from the Latin Calendae or "day" and alludes to the perpetual succession of time. According to others, derives from the greek meaning kalathos bowl or basket, in allusion to the shape of the flower. Like all flowers yellow or orange, has always been associated with the sun.
The term "marigold" of the English common to the Virgin Mary, which was dedicated in the Middle Ages as the "gold of Mary." The fact that the lower head at sunset, was considered a sign of sadness, of mourning for the death of the sun and this belief has played in symbolism that it wants a symbol of pain, boredom and pain. More or less the same view are the Mexicans, who consider him the flower of death.
A popular legend says that these flowers brought by the conquerors, have grown in Mexico with the blood of the poor natives, victims of the lust for power, and gold, white. According
they want an English legend and symbol of jealousy portrays as maids never loved by anyone who, dying, they become marigolds "yellow rage".
According to the writers of the nineteenth century, was the symbol of courtly sycophants, but there is also a school of thought that wants a symbol of pure love and infinite.
The emblem of Margaret of Orleans was a marigold that was going around the sun with the motto: "I do not want to follow the sun".
In games of Toulouse, the famous "jeux floraux," the poet winner is offered a marigold silver in honor of the founder, according to tradition Isaure Clemence, of which he was the favorite. Germany is also called "Kuhblume" because Pentecost is an ancient custom to wreathe cattle with marigold flowers during the Procession Pfingst.

GROWING: annual or biennial plant belonging to the family of composite, comes from Calendula arvensis L., present in the wild throughout the Mediterranean area, from where it was exported in Europe and Asia, both in the Americas. The genus is said Calenduleae composed of fifteen types, in fact be interpreted as varieties of the only species currently recognized.
rustic plant or semirustico, is cultivated in several varieties and horticultural floral industry, fueling a large market of cut flowers.
herbaceous plant sublegnosa or more or less hairy, the spontaneous reaches to 100 cm high, cultivated stops at 30-50 cm.
The leaves are alternate and often denticulate, the lower spatulate and restricted the petioles, the upper lanceolate, he heads terminals that can reach 7 cm in diameter with purplish or blackish disc and ligulate flowers whose color covers the entire range from orange pale yellow to almost white .. sometimes develop small lateral buds at the head station and is called "mother of marigold family" or "marigold in bunches."
ligulate flowers are feminine, those disk hermaphrodites, but they work as men.
blooms between June and November, is sown in spring directly in the soil or in bowls, should be planted at a distance of 30 cm and pricked out to have a continuous flowering.
The medicinal properties of the plant was known in ancient times and until the Middle Ages, then it was used mostly for ornamental purposes, to go back in vogue today. It is difficult to establish when the Calendula is entered in the cultivation of certain is that by Oliviero Serres, in 1663, the Theatre d'agriculture et des champs menage spoke plenty.

appear from April to November and beyond, the orange-yellow flowers, scented, which close at dusk light. They contain many benefits and active ingredients to be collected preferably in the early hours of the morning.

The cultivation area of \u200b\u200bbolt is the same when it is easy to find even the wild marigold.

There are difficulties, you can grow in pots. The flowers last a long time after harvesting They like a sunny position, rich soil and soft.
The multiplication is done with the seed. In the southern regions and in Liguria is sown in summer thinning or transplanting the seedlings in September-October for flowering in November, with appropriate shelter continues throughout the winter, giving flowers larger than the summer flowers carried by the plant resulting in areas of harsh climate, with spring sowing.
The seeds are placed under the flower corolla orange and have a sickle shape, when the flower withers and dries easily become visible. Their shape allows it, falling and being wet from the rain, to remain partially buried with one point facing you. The seeds, around the outside of the crescent, a double row of bumps that go away when the hot water and allow the shoots begin to grow, then the seed in their opening match of this hinge. In
apartment should sow the seeds, which can be drawn directly flowers, herbs may be purchased on a jar filled with soil, then cover with a layer of about 1cm further soil and water thoroughly. They prefer sunny areas, so should, if possible, leave the pots exposed to the south in order to ensure the sun all day. The newly sprouted seedlings are easily recognizable by their two leaves elongated, linear, and as thick as those of sunflowers.
From time to time that happens, a withered flower, if well supplied with water, this can generate a new plant and a new flower directly from the seeds still attached to it, creating a plant grown on top of another.
fears more than anything else excess moisture that can be solved by developing disease treatments based on sulfur.

PARTS USED: flowering tops, petals that are used in cooking, leaves.

PRINCIPLES CONSTITUENTS: essential oil, carotene and beta-carotene, a bitter principle, a saponin, alcohol, acids and trace amounts of salicylic acid.

PROPERTIES AND USES: antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, healing, control of menstrual flow, useful for various diseases of the genital tract, stimulates the secretion of bile, sweat, skin care and various diseases of the same, gastroduodenal ulcer , warts, calluses, hemorrhoids, poor circulation, neurovegetative dystonia, nervous sweating, dizziness, allergic rhinitis.
internal use: has anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, carminative, choleretic, emmenagogue, astringent, soothing of menstrual pain. Gastritis, peptic ulcers, colitis and Crohn's disease can all benefit from regular use, particularly when there is evidence of bleeding. Also useful in cases of amenorrhea and dismenorrrea moderate, and disorders of the gallbladder.
External use: it has excellent antiseptic, healing, and anti-inflammatory re-epithelizing. It 'an effective treatment for most skin problems: cuts, scratches and wounds, skin red and inflamed in kind, including sunburn, and minor (even tan), acne and other skin rashes, skin fungus. Also useful in cases of diaper rash and soothe red nipples.

COLLECTION: The flower heads are collected near the bloom, ie if planting in May or August is autumn was in the case of spring sowing.

STORAGE: The flowers should be dried quickly, but at low temperature, Why do not lose the characteristic bright colors that make them appreciate both in pot-pourri. In the kitchen is used to prepare salads and soups which gives a bitter taste. collected the flowers still in bud, like pickles may be stored and then consumed as such.
Contraindications: the plant is not toxic, but caution is advised in the administration in the early months of pregnancy. Contraindicated only if you are allergic to specific plant or Asteraceae.

USES OTHER: IF YOU DO NOT recommend to purchase the products at ERBORISTERIA Then follow the instructions.

Mother Tincture: 20 grams of alcohol in 100 ml of 25 º (soak for 5 days / week). Strain and store in a bottle with a dropper. Take up to 40 drops per day. Occupation: A drop of mother tincture on bites is enough to soothe the discomfort and reduce swelling. However, the mother tincture (alcohol-based as it is) might burn a little 'when he comes in contact with skin. To avoid this you can also dilute 4-5 drops of calendula in a teaspoon of boiled water left, however, to cool and then applied with a sterile gauze on the puncture site for at least 10 minutes.
Rinse and gargle for inflammation of the gums, periodontal disease and sore throat . The recommended dose in these cases is 30-40 drops in half a glass of water. For
chilblains or bruises - Dilute 10 times with water or alcohol of 25 º and apply on affected parts soaked tablets.
Dye (pulp): for call - Apply on keeping in touch as much as possible.

Decoction: Good
deworming treatment and the ' jaundice, stomach ulcers the , the scrofula el' hysteria. DOSAGE: 2-3 leaves to a cup of water to drink during the day.
The decoction made with about 50g of dried flowers per liter of water, is recommended against gastric ulcer and also has effects sweat and preventive / mitigating the menstrual pain.
Decoction: 6 grams in 100 ml of water. to wash, rinse jars , apply tablets for 30 minutes on the parties concerned.
Decoction: boil a liter of water, add 30 g of flowers and leaves, boil for fifteen minutes, strain and use as needed.

Calendula oil. Dried flowers, left in suspension in a bottle of olive oil (50g per pint) are used to obtain a resolution for external use oil burns and scalds. Thanks to its disinfectant properties and is used in contrast to infiamamzioni outer wraps and often used as an ingredient in the cleansers. The flowers (or flowering tops and leaves): For skin and mucous membranes strongly reddened, with dilated vessels, for burns (including solar). Oil (Recipe 2): soak 75 g of fresh flowers in a glass of oil for twenty days. Shake the jar every day, to be airtight, filter, squeezing the flowers well and store in a dark glass bottle. Always make sure that both of calendula and marigold, which is dangerous.

Infusion of flowers 1 g in 100 ml of water. A cup or a cup a day. To facilitate the monthly rules to alleviate the abdominal pain . (Infusion of flowers 2): a teaspoon of flowers per cup of boiling water, leave to infuse for ten minutes, filter. A cup of tea before meals calendula starting one week before your period, 30 drops of tincture per day during the cycle.

poultices or tablets: apply to affected areas some fresh chopped leaves, cover with sterile gauze and leave on for half an hour.

Eye Gel calming to soothe tired eyes, red and inflamed, prepare a concentrated decoction with a teaspoon of marigold flowers, a flower of chamomile, cornflower and one of a mauve. Heat six tablespoons of the decoction prepared with 2 tablespoons of witch hazel and water dissolve a pinch of borax and one of agar agar. Allow to cool and refrigerate in a jar with cap screw. Apply to eye area in the evening before coricarsi.Oppure: 2 pieces of wet cotton wool in a tea light, apply to the eyes and take about twenty minutes in perfect stillness.

IN THE KITCHEN: The leaves of marigolds may be added to salads or soups ale, fresh petals are used to flavor the fish and garnish.
The dried petals are used to prepare a aromatic vinegar, a handful of petals for just a pint of white vinegar or red, after 40 days of fermentation (in an airtight jar) everything is filtered and bottled.

A handful of flowers infused in the very hot bath (or decoction) has a softening effect , decongestant, moisturizing . The chapped hands benefit dall'immersine for 10 minutes, in decoction.

colds and flu, when you need an anti-inflammatory: a cup of tea before bedtime, sweeten with a teaspoon of acacia honey.
Indigestion , stimulate bile secretion, gastrointestinal infections, visceral pain: 2 cups of decoction per day and 10 drops of tincture.
cold abscesses, varicose veins , corns, warts , chilblains, bruises, sores usually decubitus: apply to affected leaves or chopped fresh tablets prepared with the decoction or tincture of calendula.

decongestant and moisturizing Bath : preparing a canvas bag full of fine flowers and leaves, hang it under running hot water, use it to massage the body when it's soapy, perhaps with a soap made with calendula. Or prepare a decoction of calendula flowers small and pour in the bath water, squeezing the flowers well. Or, pour in the bath water a tablespoon of calendula oil and 6 drops of essential oil.

Strengthens hair : add 5 drops of essential oil of marigold with a drop of oil almonds, cool water bath and rub well the scalp and hair. Wrap head in aluminum foil and cover with a towel dipped in boiling water and wrung out, repeating the operation when it has cooled. Keep for half an hour, rinse the head with mild shampoo.

red hair dye: prepare a concentrated decoction with marigold flowers, rub the hair, including roots, wrap your head in plastic wrap and a towel soaked in hot water, proceeding as in the previous indication. After 20 minutes wash your head. Often repeating the operation, the color becomes more intense.

Nourishing cream for dry and rough skin : Add 6 drops of essential oil to the usual amount of cream that is used to massage the body after bathing or showering. For the face, add 3 drops of essential oil at a dose of regular night cream. The daily use of essential oil of calendula may help reduce old scars, in the case of ulcers and varicose veins.

fumigations wrinkle and firming: in a bowl of boiling water, add 6 drops of essential oil of marigold and proceed normally.

reddened skin or dermatitis, eczema: gently massage the area with calendula oil

In more flowers added to become a substitute for saffron risotto, he does not, however, the flavor, pleasant colors the rice pudding. They can be used in omelets, sauces for fish or meat. Fresh or dried, the petals may be added to the butter, soft cheese or yogurt, which gives a nice yellow color.

language of flowers: a plant considered very auspicious means "harmony of spirits is the most valuable asset."


Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Pattycake ı Mdress

Obsidian Black Mandragora

Obsidian is one of the most important teachers of all the New Stone Age.
acts as a magnet attracting the energies of the higher chakras, namely the forces of the spirit, to the first chakra, which is the energy center that relates to the Earth, to the physical factors, survival and the realization of the personal.
realized in this way is a purification of the material, the physical body and ego.
is called "warrior of truth" as it acts as a mirror that reflects the defects of our nature, highlighting the fears, insecurities and self-centered attitudes that imprison the superior qualities of the soul. For her these powers should be used only when you are well informed and prepared to implement the changes which this stone, often relentlessly, forcing.
Bring light into the darkness created within each of us from the fears and selfishness, and unlike many other black stones that turn out to absorb the light, the Obsidian Black has the ability to reflect and contain significant amounts of light.
Black is one of the highest color worn by the great initiates of the occult schools: it symbolizes, like the black obsidian, the mastery over the physical plane which serves to overcome the temptation to abuse power and self-centered to be immune the so-called negative influences and that life in a dualistic world constantly offers.
This crystal is a demonstration of the ability to fully identify themselves and to become all one with the light, as long as it exists and acting on the material plane and an object of meditation is extremely powerful to be used only by persons prepared to consciously steer.
Obsidian Black smove energies that bring to light what is hidden from the conscious mind, that is to bring awareness in all the dark areas of the self and this can trigger an impact both in the physical, mental and emotional.
ORIGIN: Obsidian is a natural glass of volcanic origin, usually black or brown and may have inclusions of ash gray or white. For thousands of years, Obsidian has been used for tools and weapons. It is sharp, easy to work with and strong enough. Sin from ancient times to the ancestral association with the material for the creation of weapons and tools, Obsidian was considered a stone of protection. Although no longer used for forging knives and spears, its role as a means of protection is still valid. Our ancestors used it as a talisman to ward off misfortune and bad luck. We can also use it to remove energies that we do not want sperimentare.La rate this ally helps to seal the aura, to prevent stray energy that can hurt us. This is particularly helpful if you live in the city, where the energy of thousands of people can create a lot of "noise" energy unhealthy. If you are in a situation where they are coming up conflicts, the frequencies Obsidian create a protective shield to avoid being sucked into the power play of someone else. Obsidian is able to "cut" the etheric cords that bind an individual to another, and is therefore able to prevent people from sticking to your aura and energy prosciughino your energia.I protective powers Obsidian help also to dispel fear and to absorb the negative thoughts, so that will not occur. Similarly the black tourmaline, obsidian is able to absorb energy and purify it. But instead of transforming the energy directly, obsidian uses energy to create lessons and opportunities for growth and the source of power. While protecting his human companion by the negative energy, it tries to show him the place of residence, the fears and negativity, so that the source of energy can be purified. Obsidian frequencies are naturally receptive. Its energies are defensive rather than offensive and offer opportunities through the introspective response to the situations around you.
Obsidian talks about shadows, not what you see and the mystery. It 's a strong psychic stone, initiating inner vision. There will lead to what is necessary to learn more, but not necessarily what is easier or more enjoyable.
Since it is a stone of the void, is unpredictable, but honoring the great protective powers and Obsidian purifiers, you are sure to acquire a sound knowledge of his innermost self. Often through powerful dreams or feelings. Sometimes through difficult feelings
the physical level is great for combating mental blocks, viral infections, inflammation, inflammation of the muscles fatigue. If used consistently, relieves pain, reduces tension, dissolves emotional blocks. Accelerates wound healing by blocking the loss of blood and particularly by stimulating tissue regeneration. Humans do well on the prostrate. It acts in the intestine releasing any trapped by encouraging proper functionality colon and restoring the intestinal flora.
A constant use of obsidian, used to preserve their energy intact, avoiding waste caused by impulses and emotions. Helps to overcome shocks, fears, blocks and traumas of all kinds. Engaged revitalizing, overcomes any kind of fanaticism.

What Do U Do In Autozone

plant with bad character we would say ... As the mythology believed capable, when they are uprooted, to launch a cry that leads to death or madness to the unfortunate collector ...
It gives restful sleep, but also leads to madness, he kills ruthlessly, but it is also a remedy against the poison of snakes, is a powerful anesthetic that allows the most delicate surgical operations, but also causes terrible hallucinations. It 'definitely a real balance suspended between uncertainty and ambiguity. Plant
Witches par excellence: it is clearly related to death, was extracted from the ground with all the caution and through special rites. The botanical texts seem to give the magical mandrake mainly influence by Mercury. Other sources speak instead of Tuesday as a day in favor of the collection, which would indicate a connection rather than Mars, which was not tested. The shape of the root is similar to the human body full of genitals has meant that the mandrake was considered aphrodisiac. This plant is said to cure epilepsy, "mal di luna", it would drive out demons ... is also known as the hand of glory, devil's root, Herb of Circe ... So after this little map there are a number of traditions and rumor, more or less justified, that is well worth Scorpio ...

Mandragola (in sevedese Alruna, Alraune in German) is the common name of several plants of the genus Mandragora belonging to the family Solanaceae.
Their roots are characterized by a peculiar bifurcation reminiscent of the human figure (masculine and feminine), together with the anesthetic properties of the plant, this has probably contributed to the supernatural powers attributed to the mandrake in many folk traditions: according to these beliefs is the mandrake white male, the black one is female.

He Mediterranean origin and grows mainly in the southern regions of our country, it prefers sunny places, is sporadic at the edge of the fields, clearings in the woods, in uncultivated places.
-shaped grassy acaule (without frame), is a perennial plant with leaves arranged in a basal rosette of ovate-oblong wrinkled and hairless that sprout just before flowering;
flowers are small and purple and grow in the center of the rosette , flowering is from June to August and fruits consist of a red or yellow berry ovoid, up to three centimeters long. It 's a poisonous plant and therapeutic uses the root, harvested in autumn.
These plants lose the aerial part during the coldest months of the year. With the arrival of spring, they begin to produce stems and leaves quickly. Mandragora officinarum is grown outdoors, in a light (sunlight) and can easily withstand very harsh minimum temperatures, many degrees below zero.
Perennial plants are subject to a period of several months of dormancy. During these months do not need to water them. In the other months
water only sporadically, about once every 1-2 weeks with 2-3 glasses of water, leaving the soil dry for a few days before watering again, avoid excesses, but try to wet the soil deeply.
is recommended in the spring to add to the irrigating water, a specific fertilizer for flowering plants, every 20-25 days. We can also mix the soil near the plants a granular slow release fertilizer, an action which lasts about 3-4 months.
La Mandragora officinarum is small in size and can reach 5 cm in height in the spring assumes a yellow-green color. It 'a plant for garden roccioso.Nel time of year when the loss of the leaves begins a preventive treatment with broad-spectrum insecticide and a systemic fungicide, to prevent the attack by aphids and the development of fungal diseases, often favored by cool, damp climate. If you want you can grow these plants in pots. The indications are for a plant of medium size. We suggest a substratum characterized by an excellent drainage.

Mandrake was one of the main ingredients for most of the mythological and legendary potions.
First name, probably derived from Persian (mehregiah), has been allotted by the greek physician Hippocrates.
Secondly, were credited powerful aphrodisiac and was even used to treat infertility.
is portrayed in some texts of alchemy in the likeness of a man or a child: this arises from the legend that its plant is able to kill a man. It was considered a creature in the middle of vegetable and animal kingdoms, known as the least vegetable lamb of Tartary.
In 1615, in some treatises on lycanthropy, including that of Njanaud, appeared to use the information of a magic ointment mandrake which allowed the transformation into animals.
According to popular belief, his plants were born from the semen or urine in the hanging point death.
Mandrake can also be traced to some Voodoo traditions in which it was used as a surrogate of the most famous and best known wax dolls.

In some books they say that Mandrake is "mood of cold and moderately dry, and it 'also astrally affected by Saturn or the moon and the zodiac sign of Capricorn." This means that before trying to pick a Mandragora and must overcome a number of uncertainties: better day, time, similarities and distances ("We must avoid having the wind on your face, otherwise the absorption - risky - the scent of the plant ...") took these precautions must draw three circles around the plant, being so as to produce a magical protection that leaves enclosed within the circle, the diabolical power of mandrake.
In this specific case, in fact, protects those who are outside the circle, rather than those inside. The circles are drawn with the sword of iron, where iron embodies the dark aspects of the plant. Then he has to be stirred up the earth around the root.

Some say it is good to be two to do this magic: the rhizotomy, the one that will dig the rhizome, and a helper who can simultaneously sing erotic verse (back as the fame of the mandrake as a powerful herb in sexual matters). More recently it has been suggested that opportunities that the excavation was carried out with a golden spoon, and when the work of excavation has been conducted almost successful, will agree to light a candle golden, to burn incense ages together in a mastic, frankincense and verbena. A virgin, according to some, may at this point, remove the plant - the land around the meantime will have been softened with female urine - which will draw close to the breast to thank the grace afforded to it. Of course, there are also specific requirements for clothing. The magician, dressed in a black robe with white lunar elements, bare feet, bare hands, goes with wearing a tiara of lead, with bracelets of the same metal, all adorned with stones, Saturnine, the ring will also figure in most of the snake biting its tail. Carry a knife: this will be the handle of cypress - not for nothing that the cypress tree is the funeral that we know well - and tempered steel blade in consecrated oil. It is not enough. It should be known the best kind of prayer to raise to the sky, the formula to be used, fumigation to be done ... worth your life!
Greed and the desire to dominate the same way will be lethal lose mandrake will soon be teetering between madness and suicide.
If you want to avoid digging into the very risky root, a tried and tested method is to use as a dog: dogs, it is said, have connections with Hecate, the goddess from the head of a cat. Hecate And that sends men distressing dreams, who is patron of witches, which gives rise to insanity. Would appreciate the sacrifice of the dog sent to her from the tree that gives rise to insanity. Softened the earth around the root which will be linked to a dog, the magician will put in front of a hungry animal food bowl. The dog then slancerà toward food, as a result of uprooting the precious root, carrying with it in his brief momentum: short, because they rise up in the air the bloodcurdling scream of the mandrake: the dog that will not succumb. Another victim is in addition to those already sacrificed to Hecate. In general, if the person who pulled the root is a magician, we will proceed putting in place of the root taken from a coin or a piece of gold. In the case of the dog, it is time to put in place the rhizome of the animal itself. More rarely close on the ground recovering then placed the leaves that are no longer root, as if to say that everything is as before, that nothing is actually accaduto.IL EVERYTHING TO COLLECT A MAP OF MANDRAKE .. but not all! Finally we arrive at the final moment of the tear with the consequent conquest of the plant will then be necessary to purify it and make it as close as possible to man. It'll be dressed and petted, cared for. The meals will be offered several times a day. The you will find a worthy place. If you are followed these precepts, the plant will procure happiness, wealth, health. It will help to find the gold hidden forces will drive negative.Sarà a panacea for all ills. You can also open the way to its possessor of the future ...

Within the magical Mandrake is designed to increase psychic powers, for example through ritual baths in which to add, bath water, a liter of boiled water with mandrake root in union to 50 grams of leaves Willow, 7 pinches of oregano and 7 tablespoons of honey.

Always the root can be used to create oils suitable for seduction, along with 7 cloves and 7 red roses or to anoint the candles used in ritual.

The Mandragora is used to construct talismans for active defense, bags for protection, to attract the money, the seduction, impotence or to ensure the loyalty of his men.

Incense created with the root of this plant in conjunction with a part of aconite, one of black hellebore, a belladonna, henbane, and one part oil of bitter almonds is used to get in touch with the Goddess Hecate, or for defense operations, together with some grains of incense, sage, pepper and 13 drops of essential oil of hypericum, and passionate love, together forever a part of grain incense, rose petals and a 13 drops of essential oil of verbena


As we said was soothing, sedative and is useful in treating skin diseases, hemorrhoids and is used as antiseptic.
And 'one of the most ancient and powerful sedatives that man has ever discovered.
His fumigation lose any harmful effect. This plant contains powerful alkaloids that can increase the heart rate, effects of mental and psychomotor excitation, hallucinations, convulsive events of rice and were delusional.

The Best Way To Marsterbate

The why of this blog ...

This blog was created by the need to collect the testimonies of our past experiences, present and - who knows! - Future tied to centuries-old traditions of our people, beliefs, our dream journeys, to the teachings of our grandmothers and herb related to the nature ... The blog will mainly
then notes, documents unearthed somewhere on that book or that cranny of the web, more or less abstruse texts .. All information taken from various sources that will hit us for their interest, their utility or just for their strangeness, and all the interesting articles from other blogs will also be published and will be reported and the source
... But ... Why "Moon and the Mandragora!? Well because
sum up what we are when we operate ...
Quiet as the Moon and careful look at the world from our place, we are there, visible and clear, "enlighten" those around us, but the confidence in Our intimate way of being, however, gives us the peace and anonymity.
La Mandragora it seemed like a good teacher: ultimate sacred plant to the Goddess Hecate, mistress of the night, no doubt linked to the moon. Mandrake has always had a double identity: the root heals body and soul, but at the same time can lead to destruction .. In short depends on what use of it.
respect that a door towards the ancient knowledge of right and wrong ... and
Excellent conditions, we believe, to begin this journey ....