Tuesday, May 5, 2009

What Do You Write In An Engagement Card

Fire in the hands


- HAND.JPG (thank you for the picture Charles-Elie )

- Fire.jpg (thank you for the picture Aideon )


1 / 10


10 '

End result: [ link]

Create a new file 800x800 and fill it with a radial gradient , setting the foreground color to a very dark brown (# 461800) and a background color to brown more dark (# 210700).

Point your cursor at the center and go down diagonally to the middle point between our center and the edge in the lower left. [ link]

Now Let's go and take our hand to include in our file, renaming the level HAND.

With this active layer go to click on the menu Image> Adjustments> Hue-Saturation, tick the Colorize box, let's set the following values:

-HUE: 15


In the same level back in the menu Image> Adjustments but This time select LEVELS and let's act on the levers.

then move the lever to the left and the central value of 40 up to 0.95. you should have something like that. [ link]

Now we have cut our hand, to do this with the tool layer mask, go to "mask" parts of the hand that does not interest us using a brush small enough (I used a brush 8px) after you cut your hand you should be at this point. [ link]

We then create a new layer and rename it GLOW.Andremo hours to create the effect of a glow on the hand .

To do this we go with the elliptical marquee tool to create a center that includes large part of the hand ... but not all!

reward the keyboard shortcut CTRL + ALT + D and we as a value in the box that appears 30px, now fill our selection with white.

Change the blending mode from Normal to Multiply, and we double-click the layer and go to change the settings of the layer, then the box popped COLOR OVERLAY and let's change the blending mode from Normal to Overlay and color as choose a yellow outfit (# FFCC00).

At this point you should have something like that. [ link]

Now open the image of fire and go in the Channels palette to select the RED channel.
Now press CTRL + CLICK on the icon of the channel and see that the red of the fire will be selected with the selection active, click on the RGB channel and with the Move tool (V) we introduce the fire in our files.
Since our image of fire is great with Motl los INSTRUMENTS RUBBER (And) we're going to delete those parts of the flame that we do not care to have this result. [ link]
Now we have reached the final steps ... to make better the effect of the flames that pass through the hand change our method of casting from Normal to Screen.
This is the final result, also obtained by deleting some language of fire so as to give effect to pass between the fingers. [ link]


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