Monday, May 18, 2009

Mild Reversal Of Normal Cervical Lordosis

Create a written bloody


this font [ link]
these brushes [link ]


1 / 10


10 '/ 15'

This is the final result. [ link]

With this tutorial you will create a bloody text used for any case ...
First, create a new file of 500x350 size and this level of background we fill with a gradient that radiates out from gray to black and comes up, I mean ... what a delegate general.
We write what we want, as you can see I wrote GODFATHER, to stay in theme.

Image Hosted by

At this point we are going to change the style and level of blending, followed step by step the changes I've made (remember to enter the menu to change the style of the level we need to double click the layer in question).

Image Hosted by

Image Hosted by

Image Hosted by

Now we take our brushes, you would have previously had to download! Create a new layer and put it on top of all, we select the red color and take this brush to create a huge blood stain on our written

Image Hosted by

Now we need is to change the blending of our last level from NORMAL to Multiply, so we will see that our blood has become darker and more even went back to writing.

Image Hosted by

now to make sure that the blood remains only on the "Godfather" holding down CTRL and click on the text layer, we will see how our writing is selected, now there remains nothing but reverse selection (inverse the selection to delete everything that is outside the selected area), to do this there are two ways: either press the shortcut CTRL + SHIFT + I or go to the menu Selections> Invert, let us now focus on the level where we have the "blood stains" and press DEL (I recommend doing this when the selection is to be active!) for " magic "we have only the bloodstains on our text.

Image Hosted by

Now let's create a pool of blood in our writing, to do this we create a new layer and place it below the level of the text. Now splashes of blood are at your leisure or, with brushes downloaded earlier, let's use one of these or many small sketches together, to make understand this is my final result using the brush used previously and by changing the size to cover all the writing, as soon as we met we change the blending level from NORMAL to MULTIPLY (remember also to use the same color used first!).

Image Hosted by

If we are satisfied with the result we are going to select the menu Edit> Transform> Perspective and handles let's put our pool of blood as if it came down by the writing in this way.

Image Hosted by

And that's it! I hope have been quite clear in the explanations for any clarification please contattatarmi and say .... see you at the next tutorial!

Monday, May 11, 2009

Read Doujinshi Sanzo Yaoi

[Banner Exchange]

As you can see on the home page in the upper right corner of the banner there are (there will be more in the future ... we hope!) If you want to exchange your banner with my leave me in this post:

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Does Best Buy Insurance Cover Water Damage


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morellino_83 @

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Special Messages For Baby Book

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All material on this blog is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 2.5 Italy.

This means [ link]
The full text of the license, which has legal value, is available at this address .


This blog is not a news organization, as it is updated without any periodicity. It can not therefore be regarded as an editorial product under the Law 62 of 7/03/2001

Creative Commons License
This work is published under a Creative Commons License .

What Color Is Best On Fair Skin

[about Ps Addict]

A brief description for those entering for the first time in my blog:

Name: Ps Addict
Date of Birth: 10/05/2007
Date of death: ??
Nationality: Italian
Category: Photoshop Tutorials
Platform: Blogger
Author: Emanuele Morelli
aim of the blog: provide tutorials for free to readers who come for the first time or who want to improve with this fantastic photo editing program
Motto of the blog: " My brain is the key that makes me free. "
Blog Friends: are listed in the box EXCHANGE BANNER
License: Creative Commons

After all this preamble, you're probably wondering ... "but why should I visit this blog ?!?!?" honestly do not even know me, Ps Addict is a blog like everyone else, with tutorials that you can find on other blogs ... I can only advise you to do a trip every so often on this blog ... at least until I write interesting tutorial for you!

Happy surfing!
Emanuele Morelli

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Least Busy California Dmv Offices

Create a melancholy scene

- brush
3 / 10
10 '
End result: [ link]

Open the downloaded image and duplichiamola, below desaturiamola pressing the shortcut CTRL + SHIFT + U, we set this layer opacity to 80%. Now let's add a layer mask and with the tool set gradient go from black to transparent select from the corner to the lower-left to upper right, at this point we click on the layer mask hold down CTRL and press CANC.Dovreste have this result. [link ]
Now let's put our brushes with the effects previously downloaded, first create a new layer and select the wings of an angel, with we set the color black to click on the girl in this way. [ link]
Now select the brush of the clouds (to understand the size of 663) and create an effect like this (I recommend just one click at a time .. not drag). [ link]
Now we have made a splash of paint on the head of our subject (the brush size 408) in this way. [ link] Finally
to make a downloaded font written on the bottom right lowering the opacity to 70% if you want you can also tilt it like I did. [ link]
done everything we combine the levels where we did the writing and that of drawings by pressing the shortcut Ctrl + E. Now let's go with the Pen tool to select the silhouette of the girl as far as we are concerned, the part which is covered by drawings made previously when we selected the whole outline we click the right button and create a selection at this point by activating the previously merged layer and press DEL voila. [ link] Without this, we
levels without the background, the level that we do together a copy by pressing CTRL + J.
At this new level we go to the menu Filter> Blur> Gaussian Blur and give a value between 2 and 3, change the Blending Mode from Normal to Soft Light and we have this. [ link]
Now create a new layer and we fill it with black, that level should be on top of all others, now with the active layer go to click on Filter> Noise> Add Noise and give a value between 11 and 12, change the Blending Mode from Normal to SCREEN and you're done. [ link]
To improve the final effect on the working level where we have applied the noise filter with the eraser I removed the filter effect by the girl leaving throughout the rest of the photo.

This tutorial is all about, I hope I was clear, however, for any clarification do not hesitate to contact me!

See you at the next tutorial!

Has Anyone With Endometriosis Used Dhea

Create a grunge effect to our photo


- engine.jpg (ks thank for this image) .


5 '


1 / 10

End result: [ link]

First, open the downloaded image above, and we're going to duplicate our level renaming ENGINE.Per mark more shadows and increase the lights change the blending mode from Normal to Hard Light lowered the layer opacity to 80% , remember that these values \u200b\u200bare not unique for each photo but always changing based on what we want to give this effect, however it should have this result even you [link ]
Now duplicate the original layer again (background) placing it between the level and ENGINE BACKGROUND change the blending mode from Normal to Hard LIGHT.Clicchiamo menu FILTER> OTHER> HIGH PASS and give a value between 5 and 6, with this filter, we increased the contrast with the outline, you should have this result [ link] Now create a new layer on top of all other layers and rename GRADIENT, let's select the tool Gradient and choose a radial gradient and color for the first as a very pale yellow and the second a brown, press OK and starting from the left side of the image gradient we make our way to the corner end, having finished so the tutorial you should have a result like this. [ link]

Friday, May 8, 2009

Perimenopause More Emotional

a moving text

to embellish even + your site / blog
code text moving from right to left (single)

the my text on the move!


of course replace my text in your written motion, for example:

Welcome to my blog!

text moving from left right (simple)

My moving text!


moving text from above:

my text on the move!


moving text from below:

My moving text!


text that stops on mouse:

My text in motion, my imagination in motion!

To display the image instead of text, just simply insert the HTML code to place my image, instead of the text instead requires only the insertion of an inscription in my seat text!

text / image that slows Hover:

text or image!

Average Salary For A Pilot In Canada In 2010

learn HTML * *

+ common questions they are now.

  1. What is a html code?

HTML code is programming that lets you customize or create a web page.

the example of html code is this:

  1. I created an image How do I post on my blog?

first we host, we have to get in without the code html.per we go to get a good hosting site, I personally use
TinyPic , because I find that a site is very fast, and easy to use.

You only need to click Browse, locate the saved image, and click on carica.Semplice not!

Then to post it on a blog to esampio, on the spaces we create a new project and click on HTML, which is the last button on the right, take the html code from tinypic or imageshack or photobucket ( tinypic recommended) and take the html code that begins with

a href ... etc ...

now I have a trucchino voi.Tutti for hosting sites always leave the site link in your HTML code with this ... what is clear? The site through your images is a advertising, without it, any click on that image will be taken to the website where the image is hosted. How do we then avoid this annoying problem? so we have to

a href = "_blank" href = http:/ / here's the address of the site hosting.da replace.

us to replace the one written, which in the normal html code is (of course) replaced by the real address of the site such : / / impariamol'html. it
with the address of your blog.
the same thing about when you grab the html code from a site that contains an image that you like to de example
Image and video hosting by TinyPic

MUST ABSOLUTELY NOT!! !!!!!!( thousand times out !!!!!!!) change anything in that code because prottetto by CC or by modifying COPYRIGHT and you were really in trouble xk must absolutely not take credit for creating the qll other !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
must do the same thing to first check out the code from the box
would be down
just copy and paste .. no operation in the code as I have said on why some are prottette!!

to change the alt your photos (or create your mean taken from you !!!!)
's Alt is one small window that appears when you move the yellow arrow / without Just click) on an image. For example:

if you pass the arrow will appear in this image: Image and video hosting by TinyPic, or image hosting by photobucket / website hosting imageshack...dipende from you used, this appears tinypic. to change it you need to edit a piece of code preceded by the word "alt =..."
Image and video hosting by TinyPic
the code: a href ..... by hosting site.
alt = you just have to try and change the text with image hosting .... image created / taken by creator name! Is that clear?

if you pass the arrow in the image below you will notice that the message has changed

immagine creata da cucciolaglitter!

for clarification and comment ... visit http: / / /
or ...

bye bye

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

What Do You Write In An Engagement Card

Fire in the hands


- HAND.JPG (thank you for the picture Charles-Elie )

- Fire.jpg (thank you for the picture Aideon )


1 / 10


10 '

End result: [ link]

Create a new file 800x800 and fill it with a radial gradient , setting the foreground color to a very dark brown (# 461800) and a background color to brown more dark (# 210700).

Point your cursor at the center and go down diagonally to the middle point between our center and the edge in the lower left. [ link]

Now Let's go and take our hand to include in our file, renaming the level HAND.

With this active layer go to click on the menu Image> Adjustments> Hue-Saturation, tick the Colorize box, let's set the following values:

-HUE: 15


In the same level back in the menu Image> Adjustments but This time select LEVELS and let's act on the levers.

then move the lever to the left and the central value of 40 up to 0.95. you should have something like that. [ link]

Now we have cut our hand, to do this with the tool layer mask, go to "mask" parts of the hand that does not interest us using a brush small enough (I used a brush 8px) after you cut your hand you should be at this point. [ link]

We then create a new layer and rename it GLOW.Andremo hours to create the effect of a glow on the hand .

To do this we go with the elliptical marquee tool to create a center that includes large part of the hand ... but not all!

reward the keyboard shortcut CTRL + ALT + D and we as a value in the box that appears 30px, now fill our selection with white.

Change the blending mode from Normal to Multiply, and we double-click the layer and go to change the settings of the layer, then the box popped COLOR OVERLAY and let's change the blending mode from Normal to Overlay and color as choose a yellow outfit (# FFCC00).

At this point you should have something like that. [ link]

Now open the image of fire and go in the Channels palette to select the RED channel.
Now press CTRL + CLICK on the icon of the channel and see that the red of the fire will be selected with the selection active, click on the RGB channel and with the Move tool (V) we introduce the fire in our files.
Since our image of fire is great with Motl los INSTRUMENTS RUBBER (And) we're going to delete those parts of the flame that we do not care to have this result. [ link]
Now we have reached the final steps ... to make better the effect of the flames that pass through the hand change our method of casting from Normal to Screen.
This is the final result, also obtained by deleting some language of fire so as to give effect to pass between the fingers. [ link]

Monday, May 4, 2009

Grooping In Crowded Bus

How to add a texture to Cover your face

following this tutorial you will add texture to any face for it to come out a very nice effect.


- FACCIA.JPG ( catalin82 thank you for the photo)




5 '

End result: [ link]

First, if you have not downloaded the images that I linked ... DO IT!
We open our face with Photoshop and duplicate the layer and dasaturiamolo using the keyboard shortcut CTRL + SHIFT + U, made this change to the method Melting NORMAL to SOFT LIGHT.
now included in our paper the texture and put it between the original face and the desaturated.
Now is the defining moment ... that we must choose the blending mode to give him the best are "OVERLAY", "MULTIPLY", "Soft Light", "Color Burn".
For this tutorial I used as a blending mode Overlay.
This is what you should be too. [ link]
now to give a nice dramatic touch to our face we create an adjustment layer "Hue / Saturation", to which we give as a blend SOFT LIGHT ", set this value:

-HUE: +17

You should have an effective of this type. [ link]
As you can see the eye of the subject is much clearer, if you like the effect just choose the Dodge tool and go sull'iride eye as many times as we want until you get desired effect.
Now if you want to create a new layer naming it Black, with a medium brush with black big set we're going to clear the ear and neck, creating a more dramatic effect.

This all!

As you can see I will make you more download my tutorial but I will write them entirely in the blog.
For any questions or malfunction please contact me at my address!

See you at the next tutorial!