Thursday, January 13, 2011

Can You Have A Bath After A Hysterectomy

RSI RSI - ideal continuity

Concerning Article signed by Serena Gasparoni appeared in "La Tribuna di Treviso", under the title "The Prosecution closed to the Nazi website -fascist ' believe some clarifications are necessary background on a text inspired by the statements of PNA President of Treviso, Umberto Lorenzoni.
1) It is totally false that "perfect continuity" of Treviso is enactment of the Italian Social Movement (abysmal ignorance of historical reference to a deceased party for years). It is instead an integral part of the National Assembly Combatants and Veterans of CSR, duly registered association, which promotes national and regional levels, through their federations (as in the case of Treviso), the honors to the fallen of CSR, in perfect agreement with the competent authorities.
2) It is therefore quite arbitrary to define "perfect continuity" Treviso and in particular its web site, adoption of a neo-fascist movement, understood in the sense of character party. Politically - in its highest sense - the grouping and then 'ideal continuity "instead assume the defense of the nation's permanent values \u200b\u200bexpressed by the Italian CSR.
3) The charge of racism contained in the article mentioned is nothing short of incoherent, as it is to reject the term "Nazi-fascist" in the title of the article.
Having said this, we think that the attack is part of the President Lorenzoni quell'oscurantismo cultural intended to mislead and manipulate a very embarrassing historical memory about the bloody events of spring 1945. Those events reported, and not only by us, by a highly respected publications (see, recently, works by Giampaolo Pansa, certainly not qualify as "fascist.").
Finally, citing the Mancino law to prevent us from expressing ourselves, we consider it a symptom of a striking inability of civil anthropological comparison.

Gianni Rebaudengo
National President of National Assembly

Combatants and Veterans
RSI RSI-contiue Ideal / news/lorenzoni-chiudete-quel-sito-fascista-3126850


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