Box containing HTML code to create a box area like this figure b must take this code: HTML code is
how to create a banner code how to create a banner?
but first of all what is a banner? A banner is a kind of advertising for our site.
the html code of a banner is
as before, we need to create Banner graphic part would be with any program photoshop or gimp 150x50.sostituiamo measures are almost always written in the code the address exactly with the address of your blog / website eg or . after which we go to a hosting site .. I will use TinyPic! we browse, look for the banner that we created and clik on carichiamolo taking office. Once loaded we have to take the url of this image + html code "A href" but we have to take the window where it says url URL by e-mail & IM do copy and paste this url in the code where it says url. take the code and we'll post it on our blog, explained in the post learn HTML ! at this point the code will :
.. a href http:// your site. en imag src http:// my banner etc. .. to the next post