Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Karaoke Za Darmo Pobierz

However, regardless of what is seen subjectively better or worse, the fact itself is conclusive and incontrovertible: the written word is a good thing. One of the best that humankind has given us the opportunity to appreciate and, if I may add a personal opinion, the highest expression of the human being, just as human, clever and different from the animal (who is not generally devoid of specific notable).
could open the discussion here on the written word and the words that are written to disperse (there are many more, but perhaps this does not show the character of the importance of the written word? If it were that simple all remain and no amount of elevation can be achieved without the natural "selection" so it must be so and not otherwise).
The items that are lost are those who use and limited in time, are read and thrown away, they forget, or those others who, while having the intention and willingness to endure not have the strength, not resistant, because they are worth what they want. This is for several reasons, but the most important of all, what frustrates all resistance of the written word, is calculated from a word that is not true, in fact a lie.
The word, written word, the word of truth: all this for me was vinegar, and still is, even more.
I still love the letters and words. Writing I, if not resolved, many of my diverse conflicts. Beyond any difference, I hope, between a woman and that the writer who always want to become, I tried to transfer the written word in the full essence of my being, first of all, individual living and true, that is trying to synthesize the thought and actions, my words and my life in one.
I do not know if I can do it all, but I always keep this to myself that first word: VINEGAR - excellent seasoning, if used in the right quantities, which can enhance, with its alcoholic and acidic taste many flavors, and to give particular brio taste the dishes more common good for clean, discrostare, polishing a lot of things, revealing the light and beauty, but never a dish.
The plateau is the royal life. Life is essentially still the word and dressing, still vinegar.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Junior Princess Monopoly

Considering that my mother was never with our hands and was always occupied in some household chores for her image that, after an unreasonable number of times that deter them from his stuff with the same question , was an annoying thing on the one hand but, on the other hand, relieved from having to compulsorily participate in other games that could not be played alone. I
a quiet, let's say, I could not hear for hours and then I liked to play alone, with the primer. Anyway, needless to say, the statistics and the calculation of the possibilities did their part, and it took several attempts and several afternoons before putting on a possible word ... at least in Italian means and not in Ostrogoths, Russian, or English language for my mother were all equally incomprehensible. The first word was VINEGAR. I still remember because there was a lot of noise at home that night, or so it seemed to me, around that little fact for me was the value of an Olympic medal. I had it done! At last I had the power to make words. It seemed to me a great thing, although I still wonder why.
That is, I say better, now I know, I know, but what I have left is difficult to understand why then, not today, for the little girl about four years that I was, it was so exciting to make words when in fact the words I was already talking about (and how many I could do!) and, conversely, I would not have sapute neither read nor write, and, in hindsight, I could not even repeat the only successful experiment: vinegar.

What was important was the written word.
course I did not know that the Romans had spread throughout the world that age-old motto: "Verba volant, scripta manent" nor how many useless words spoken penalty gave the world to utter every day, as they air, air only, and not the effort and thought that seeks to find the words to express themselves.
Less than ever, decreed that the importance of suffrage in an inexplicable but just as safe, I knew nothing of books and their importance, the greatest legacy to mankind for millennia has produced and produces and to which everyone can, if you want , access, and even use, abuse and listen to your liking. There is everything when it comes to books, there has been all throughout history, even if it seems to me that all that was there before was a little 'best of all there is today, but it's true also that each new generation and all generations have been "last" before no longer be so, had the same suspicion that I have now.
So, nothing new.
... more ...

Monday, September 8, 2008

Cute Sayings For 3rd Birthday

I was not yet four years ...

I was not yet four years old when his passion for letters took possession of me.
not for literature, of course, but for the letters, all letters dell'abecedario. With the curiosity that a child can have for personal belongings of his brother, many times I went rummaging in my folder, when he was out intent to play with friends. I was fascinated by that strange instrument, obviously, for me it was just a series of colored drawings, and absolutely determined to investigate more about those things called letters. I was told a story, a beautiful and mysterious to me, according to which that thing was used to make words.
So the idea of \u200b\u200bbuilding of words, endless words, all with quell'attrezzo that became a fixed idea in my little mind, or rather, a game that I play so much. What I did not know was still read, for me, an insignificant detail. I had the time and want more, then, first of all, this was the most urgent priorities that I felt it was necessary to find a way to have one all to myself. So I insisted that my I recovered a copy a bit 'askew and worn, but as I remember, full and colorful. I was happy. Every afternoon, on the steps of the house, my coveted units, the primer and, quite by chance, according to inspiration, so to speak, I took a tot of variable letters and places them side by side to make the WORD.
Not being able to read, I was not able to independently assess the results of my tests, then, each time, after having prepared meticulously and with great respect to each of them, ran from his mother and asked her to come and read me what I had written. ... Read more ...